Monday, November 10, 2008

Base on Bending

Yesterday my dad and I were discussing about the 'Base on Bending Form'.

I was very excited about the 'Base on Bending Form' because next year I will be Primary 5 with my new classmates and with my new teacher.

So, my father accepted what my teacher's opinion and he was happy about it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy School Holiday!!

Hello 4 Charity,

School holidays is starting next week so have fun. I wish we will have the same class for next year.
I will miss you all especially during the School Holidays!!!! Oh I almost forgot, have a HAPPY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Favorite Website

Hello Everyone, my favorite website is
It is very fun to play there. I play there sometimes because I am very busy.
So please, go visit my favorite website so that you will have some fun.

My Funny Video

The Funny Cats

I like this video because it is very funny.
Something I learnt is you should not throw a cat up to the wall because you might not catch it.

My Best Friends

My Best Friends
All the filipino here are my best friends. They are
Isabel, Crish ,Angelique , Stef and etc.
They are my Best Friends because they always makes me laugh.

My Video For Today

You will have some fun watching it.